Information for suppliers to DATEMA
Information regarding transition to e-invoicing via Peppol and Interconnect for suppliers to Datema AB
For a faster, more efficient, and more secure handling of invoices, we have decided to transfer our management of supplier invoices to electronic handling only.
In order to send electronic invoices, you must have an agreement with an e-invoice operator. If you do not currently have the capability to send e-invoices, please feel free to contact Logiq and we will help you find a solution.
We would like to ask you to send your invoices as e-invoices in the future. In a transition period and in exceptional cases, we also accept invoices in PDF, it is important then that they are sent to our invoice email;
In the future, we will not accept paper invoices, but these will be returned to the sender with a request to send an e-invoice instead.
E-invoicing through the Peppol network or e-invoice operator
- Datema is connected to the Peppol network and would like to receive e-invoices through Peppol.
- E-invoices can also be sent via your e-invoice operator
- Any attachments must be in PDF format
Log in to Inexchanges platform and verify that Datema is listed as a recipient.
For questions, contact Inexchange
Verify that Datema is listed as a recipient in Pagero Online.
For questions, contact Pagero.
Inform TietoEvry that e-invoices to Datema must be sent electronically via the e-invoice operator Logiq.
Inform Strålfors that invoices to Datema must be sent electronically via the e-invoice operator Logiq.
Please contact your e-invoice operator to get started.
- If you are sending PDF invoices today and are not able to send e-invoices:
- Contact Datema if they approve that you continue sending PDF invoices.
- If you do not have an e-invoice operator today, please contact Logiq (, and we will help you get started.
- For questions about content requirements, contact Datema.
- For other questions about the transition, contact
General requirements
In order for us to process your e-invoice, the requirement below must be met.
Information on reference must be available:
- Reference to who has ordered or to whom the invoice is intended.
Companies that receive e-invoices
Datema AB
PeppolOrganisation number: 5561758482Peppol identifier: 0007: 5561758482 Interop: Operator is Logiq, Datema AB 5561758482
Datema ERP Integration AB
PeppolOrganisation number: 5566570171Peppol identifier: 0007: 5566570171 Interop: Operator is Logiq, Datema ERP Integration AB 5566570171
Datema Mobility AB
PeppolOrganisation number: 5592890874 Peppol identifier: 0007: 5592890874 Interop: Operator is Logiq, Datema Mobility AB 5592890874
Datema Retail Solutions AB
PeppolOrganisation number: 5568490543 Peppol identifier: 0007: 5568490543 Interop: Operator is Logiq, Datema Retail Solutions AB 5568490543
Contact information
For technical questions and set-up, contact your operator. If you do not have an agreement with any e-invoice operator and would like to start sending e-invoices, contact Logiq:
For questions to Datema AB contact:
Phone number: +46 8 517 150 00
For questions to Datema ERP Integration AB contact:
Datema ERP Integration AB
Phone number: +46 8 517 150 00
For questions to Datema Mobility AB contact:
Datema Mobility AB
Phone number: +46 8 517 150 00
For questions to Datema Retail Solutions AB contact:
Datema Retail Solutions AB
Phone number: +46 8 517 150 00

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